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Die Magie des Schönen und Staunenswerten: Jürgen Wasim Frembgen

Beiträge zur materiellen Kultur Zentral- und Südasiens

In seinem neuen, reich illustrierten Sammelband stellt der Ethnologe, Islamwissenschaftler und Schriftsteller Jürgen Wasim Frembgen in elf Einzelbeiträgen außergewöhnliche Artefakte der materiellen Kultur Zentral- und Südasiens vor.
Er schreibt über die Faszination und den Zauber dieser Gegenstände und deren kulturelles Bedeutungsgeflecht. Im Sinne der pakistanischen Spruchweisheit „Schönes betrachten ist ein gutes Werk“ legt er sein Augenmerk auf das künstlerisch Schöne und sinnlich Erfahrbare.

edition-tethys: wissenschaft / Bd 9
Hardcover, 119 Seiten, ca 70 Abbildungen
Sprache: Deutsch
34 Euro (+ Versand: within Germany 3,00 Euro / international by arrangement)
Lieferbar ab / Available from 01.07.2024

Bestellungen an: loy(at)edition-tethys.org
oder über ihre Buchhandlung / the book can be ordered via email or in your local bookshop
ISBN: 978-3-942527-19-4

Simorgh – An Afghan Jew on the Silk Road. A Novel by Benzion D. Yehoshua

Simorgh tells the story of conflict and friendship in a Jewish-Muslim world. Revealing life in Afghanistan and Palestine in the first half of the 20th century, the novel brings together reality and imagination, cruelty and innocence, against the backdrop of the tensions between a Jewish minority and a Muslim majority. Following its main protagonist the novel juxtaposes two Jewish worlds: Afghanistan, where poverty prevails and daily life is a struggle to survive, and life in the Land of Israel, where despite all the hardship, there is a surprising amount of possibility.

edition-tethys: uebersetzungen / translations
Softcover, 423 Pages, (A5)
Language: English
22 Euro (+ shipping: within Germany 3,00 Euro / international by arrangement)
Bestellbar ab / Available from 01.03.2024

Bestellungen an / to order please e-mail to: loy(at)edition-tethys.org
oder über ihre Buchhandlung / the book can be ordered via your local bookshop

Payment through PayPal or bank transfer – after receiving the book
ISBN: 978-3-942527-18-7

Praise for Simorgh

Eric Bloom (critic): „This is a fascinating historical-family-romantic novel that began about 100 years ago in Afghanistan and describes with sensitivity and rich language the transition from a traditional patriarchal world to a modern and democratic world… The book describes the difficulties, challenges and traumas experienced by a Jewish family.“  

Prof. Nurit Govrin (Tel Aviv University): „Anyone exposed to the work of Ben-Zion Yehoshua is captivated by its charm… He provides a great deal of pleasure within a literary, linguistic, cultural and emotional experience… His great power lies in the sweeping and captivating plot and his talent to interest the reader in the story of real deeds and the destinies of people. The sentiments, the sex, the permitted and forbidden desires, are an inseparable part of the world of its heroes, men and women alike. He does not judge his characters but regards them with a mixture of identification, pity, mocking and a lot of humor… One eye cries tears of sadness, the other tears of joy. His ability to identify with the lives and suffering of his female characters reflects his great love for and gratitude to his mother.“


Reinhard Eisener: Buchara im Strudel der Russischen Revolutionen – Auftakt und Revolutionäres Umfeld 1917-1919

Inhalt (download)
Vorwort Abdullaev (download)
Leseprobe_Einleitung (download)
Eisener_abstract engl (download)

edition-tethys: wissenschaft Vol. 8
Hardcover, Fadenheftung, 616 Seiten, (170×240),
2 Karten & Schwarz/Weiß Abbildungen

48 Euro (+ shipping: within Germany 5 Euro / international by arrangement)
Bestellbar ab / Available from 21.03.2023

Bestellungen an / to order please e-mail to: loy(at)edition-tethys.org
oder über den Buchhandel / the book can be ordered via local bookshops

Payment through paypal or bank transfer – after receiving the book
ISBN: 978-3-942527-17-0


Franz Xaver Erhard & Thomas Wild: Drumze. Metamorphoses of the Tibetan Carpet

edition-tethys: wissenschaft / science Vol. 7

Hardcover, 110 pages, landscape format (297×230), 44 full-page colour plates and approx. 70 illustrations in colour/black and white.

English version of Drumze -Metamorphosen des tibetischen Teppichs.
Catalogue of the exhibition „Drumze. Tibetische Teppiche“
Teppichmuseum Schloss Voigtsberg
, Oelsnitz, Vogtland,
16 October 2021 – 31 December 2022.

45 Euro (+ shipping: within Germany 5 Euro / international by arrangement)
Bestellbar ab / Available from 21.10.2022
Bestellungen an / to order please e-mail to: loy(at)edition-tethys.org
oder über den Buchhandel / the book also can be ordered via local bookshops / booksellers‘ discount = -25%
Payment through paypal or bank transfer – after receiving the book
ISBN: 978-3-942527-16-3


Marching into View: the Tibetan Army in Historic Photographs (1895-1959) // by Alice Travers

edition-tethys: wissenschaft / science Vol. 5

Hardcover, 209 Pages
167 historical colour and b/w photographs

Inhalt / Contents: ToC Tibet Army_2022

45 Euro (+ shipping)
Bestellungen an / to order please e-mail to: loy(at)edition-tethys.org
oder über den Buchhandel / the book also can be ordered via any local bookshops / booksellers‘ discount = 25%
Payment through paypal or bank transfer – after receiving the book
ISBN: 978-3-942527-14-9


This volume sheds light on Tibet’s military in the modern era prior to 1959 by utilising archival photographs from various intrernational and private collections.
This publication is issued in conjunction with the travelling exhibition „Marching into View: the Tibetan Army in Historic Photographs (1895-1959)“; first shown from 4-10 July 2022, at the University of Prague (Czech Republic) during the 16th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies and then in Dharamsala (India), as well as in Paris (France) under the title « L’armée tibétaine en vues : photographies historiques (1895-1959).


Experiencing Tibet from the Heart of Europe. Missionaries, Scholars, Filmmakers and Motorbikes

edition-tethys: wissenschaft / science Vol. 6

In cooperation with the Oriental Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences

7 Articles on Czech and Slovak Tibetologist and their work

edited by: Luboš Bělka, Daniel Berounský, Petr Jandáček, Jarmila Ptáčková

Softcover, 167 Pages
68 Colour and b/w fotographs

Inhalt / Contents: Contents-Experiencing Tibet-2022

16 Euro (+ no shipping costs in Germany)
Bestellungen an / to order please e-mail to: loy(at)edition-tethys.org
oder über den Buchhandel / the book also can be ordered via any local bookshops / booksellers‘ discount = 25%
Payment through paypal or bank transfer – after receiving the book
ISBN: 978-3-942527-15-6 // ISBN: 978-80-85425-70-3


Franz Xaver Erhard & Thomas Wild: Drumze. Metamorphosen des tibetischen Teppichs

NEU Eingetroffen: Die 2. Auflage. Restposten der Ersten Auflage zum reduzierten Preis von 30 Euro (plus Versand) erhältlich – solange der Vorrat reicht…

Katalog zur Ausstellung „Drumze. Tibetische Teppiche“ im Teppichmuseum Schloss Voigtsberg, Oelsnitz im Vogtland. Vom 16. Oktober 2021 bis 31. Dezember 2022https://www.schloss-voigtsberg.de/museen/sonderausstellung/drumze-tibetische-teppiche

Hardcover, 102 Seiten, Querformat (297×230), 44 ganzseitige Farbtafeln und ca. 70 Abbildungen in Farbe/SW

Rezension Michael Buddeberg: „…für jeden Liebhaber tibetischer Kultur schlicht unverzichtbar.“

Rezension Daniel Wohjahn (Asian Ethnology 81, 1&2) „…The authors
advance our scholarly understanding of Tibetan tapitology…“

42 Euro (+ Versand: innerhalb Dtl 5 Euro / + shipping: international by arrangement)
Lieferbar ab 25.10.2021

Bestellungen an: loy(at)edition-tethys.org
oder über den Buchhandel
ISBN: 978-3-942527-13-2


Begegnungen mit Geistern

edition-tethys: Begegnungen Bd. 5

Herausgegeben von: Olaf Günther und Thomas Loy
Broschur, 137 Seiten, Potsdam 2021

16 Euro (keine Versandkosten innerhalb Dtl)

Lieferbar ab / Available for delivery from: 21.10.2021

Bestellungen an: loy(at)edition-tethys.org
oder über den Buchhandel
ISBN: 978-3-942527-12-5


Daniel Wojahn: Teaching the Living through the Tibetan Book of the Dead

Daniel Wojahn, „Teaching the Living through the Tibetan Book of the Dead: Exploration into the Context and Content of an 18th-century Mongolian Block Print,“ in: New Currents on the Neva River. Papers Presented at the 5th International Semianr of Young Tibetologists, edited by Franz Xaver Erhard, Natalia Moskaleva, Daniel Wohjan, Jed Forman, and Maria Smirnova. Vol. 3, edition tethys: wissenschaft/science. Potsdam: edition tethys, 2020, pp. 160-180 pp. 520–550.

Hardcover available here / Das Buch im Ganzen hier…

DOI: 10.36201/tethys.science.3.24


Maria Smirnova: Study of the Tibetan Linguistic Picture of the World

Maria Smirnova, „Study of the Tibetan Linguistic Picture of the World Using Computer Ontology,“ in: New Currents on the Neva River. Papers Presented at the 5th International Semianr of Young Tibetologists, edited by Franz Xaver Erhard, Natalia Moskaleva, Daniel Wohjan, Jed Forman, and Maria Smirnova. Vol. 3, edition tethys: wissenschaft/science. Potsdam: edition tethys, 2020, pp. 473-492.

Hardcover available here / Das Buch im Ganzen hier…

DOI: 10.36201/tethys.science.3.22
